Art Express K – 6 Textbook series. Authors: Lee Hanson, Vesta Daniels, Kristen Marstaller, Susana Monteverde. State-Adopted Art Textbook series including student and teacher edition, large art reproductions and other materials,
Published by Harcourt Brace & Co.
Big Ideas: Interdisciplinary, Standards-Based Art Lessons
Editor/Contributor, CAEA Curriculum Committee
California Art Education Association (2016)
A sampler of model interdisciplinary art lessons that meet the latest national and current state standards in all areas of learning including History-Social Science, Mathematics, English-Language Arts, and Science.
Art 1: Working with the Elements and Principles of Art
With Dede Bartels-Tisone, Co-Author
High School introductory art course, (two semesters).
Published by TEACHINGpoint
Strategies to Strengthen Arts Education in California Schools: Information about the state of arts education in California schools -- Developed through the California Model Arts Network.
Handbook for Planning an Effective Visual and Performing Arts Program: One of six authors; document developed for the County/State Steering Committee of the California Association of County Superintendents of Schools.
The Educationally Interpretive Exhibition: Rethinking the Display of Student Art: Lee Hanson -- one of five authors in a collaboration between Stanford University and the Palo Alto Unified School District; published by the National Art Education Association. The purpose of
the exhibition and the publication were to encourage the understanding of the relationships between thinking and the creation of visual art. Text accompanying the student art points out the ways in which art activities stimulate, develop, and refine thinking processes.
Early Childhood Art (Fifth Edition) with Barbara Herberholz, Co-Author: Presents theoretical and practical information; includes color plates and sections on artistic development and meeting the challenges of children with talent and special needs.
Published by McGraw-Hill.
Beyond Category: Duke Ellington (Smithsonian Institution) Lee Hanson, Editor of the Educational Kit for grades 4 - 12. Boxed kit that includes sound cassettes, transparencies, photographic prints, newspaper facsimiles, a classroom poster, and a teacher's resource book. Materials organized in units of study that chronicle Ellington's life as they focus on topics including music, art, theatre, and writing. A teacher's resource book provides activities that incorporate art projects, map skills, newspaper analysis, musical composition, dramatic work, creative writing and independent research. Co- Published by Dale Seymour Publications and the National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution.
Title: Art in an Era of Change:
Developing a Model Curriculum Guide for the Visual Arts 1994
This dissertation outlines the major events and significant curriculum documents of the 1980s, focusing on key recommendation in the California state plan (“Strengthening the Arts in California Schools: A Design for the Future”). The core of the paper was based on work originated in a committee (of which Dr. Hanson served as Chair) formed in the early 1990s by the California Department of Education. This committee’s work resulted in phase one of the development of the California Content Standards for the Visual and Performing Arts -- a document that was further developed and later published in 2001.
Dr. Hanson has successfully written several grants and has served as project director for the majority of them. Listed below are examples of major grantwriting activities (funded for multiple years).
ArtsWork Visual and Performing Arts Education Grants 1999 – 2004
For Palo Alto Unified School District:
Two grants: Model Arts Programs Network Project, and Special Projects in the Visual and Performing Arts (Curriculum Development)
Artists-in-Schools Multi-Residency, California Arts Council 1998 – 2002
A+ Project for Palo Alto Unified School District
Cultural Initiatives/Silicon Valley 1998 – 2001
For Palo Alto Unified School District
Two grants: Recognition Grant for Outstanding Art Program and Program Expansion grant
Other grants include:
- NEA Arts in Education (Hanford Elementary School District)
- SB1735 (Chula Vista Unified School District)
- Assisted with writing/implementation: Arts Impact (Glendale Unified School District).
Additional Projects include:
Participation in the TLP Cadre: Teacher Learning Progression -- SJSU project focusing on how formative assessment can be used to help guide students as they progress through the credential program. Research on learning progressions and formative assessment shows that students respond positively to getting feedback as they make progress along a pathway that is transparent, well-defined, and well-articulated in the learning experience.
In the LPP project, a cadre of educators are developing a formative assessment system that is aligned with a new state-mandated teacher performance assessment (PACT-TPA). The LPP grant is an opportunity to shed light on the possibilities for and limitations of "high stakes" summative assessments that do not yet connect with daily contexts for teaching and learning in preparation programs.