LEE HANSON -- [email protected]

Over the course of her teaching profession, Dr. Lee Hanson has taught a wide variety of grades and courses -- kindergarten through university levels. Her skills in curriculum writing, assessment, and program development have strengthened arts education in school districts, universities, and in projects at the state level.
Formerly the Coordinator of Art Education at San Jose State University, Dr. Hanson is currently utilizing her knowledge and experience to assist schools in the development of their art programs.
Dr. Hanson has conducted curriculum workshops on the use of the California Framework and Visual Arts Standards and worked with school districts to develop exemplary art programs. She has authored and co-authored instructional materials in art education including a state-adopted textbook series and an on-line high school introductory art course (see Publications & Projects).
Dr. Hanson coordinated and expanded the innovative art program for the Palo Alto Unified School District -- the only California program to be selected for the coveted Award of Program Excellence by the National Art Education Association. Palo Alto's exemplary program was also selected as one of four Model Art Programs in the nation by the Getty Center for Education in the Arts. She has been a member of the Art Advisory Panel for the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and has served as an advisor for the California State Department of Education.
Her awards include the California Art Educator (CAEA and NAEA) and the Outstanding Higher Education Art Educator of the Year (2010) from the California Art Education Association.
California Art Education Association
Member of the State Council 2018 to 2020
CAEA Treasurer
As treasurer for the state organization, Dr. Hanson was charged with overseeing the management
and reporting of CAEA finances, creating and maintaining systems to track and report assets.
Member of the State Council 2014 to 2016
Chair, State Curriculum Committee
As Curriculum Chair, Dr. Hanson led the committee in the development of a 200-page curriculum
sampler, designed to present K-12 lessons that meet both state and national standards..
CAEA representative on the State Review Team for the National Coalition for Core Arts Standards..
Member of the Board of Institutional Review (BIR) 2003 through 2013
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
The Board of Institutional Review (BIR) is comprised of individuals with expertise across all credential areas who ensure that California educator preparation programs are aligned with the Commission-adopted standards. BIR members are involved in accreditation activities such as program assessment and accreditation site visits.
University of California at Los Angeles 2011 to 2012
Associate Director, Arts Education
Primary responsibilities included developing segments of the newly formed interdisciplinary Visual and Performing Arts Education (VAPAE) program -- creating pathways for UCLA undergraduate and graduate students in their pursuit of a variety of professions in and related to arts education. As Associate Director of Arts Education, Dr. Hanson served as advisor for
- development of a state-approved art credential at UCLA;
- strengthening community partnerships through Arts Education;
- the design of professional development opportunities for teachers and school leaders in the greater Los Angeles region;
- increasing access to the arts for all young people, including those in underserved communities;
- developing connections to state and regional organizations in order to promote and strengthen arts education for all.
San Jose State University 1999 to 2011
Coordinator: Art Education, Art Department
Art Education instructor of several upper division and graduate arts education courses including Interdisciplinary Arts for Teaching (for elementary teachers), courses in Writing for Art Majors, Studio Experiences for Young People, and Multicultural Art. Dr. Hanson coordinated the Art Teacher Preparation Program, serving as the Arts Education advisor in the School of Education while supervising teacher candidates during their post-graduate work. Her teaching duties included Principles of Art Education (ARED 338) and the graduate seminar for PACT (Performance Assessment for California Teachers); she is a certified scorer in art for PACT (required by the state for all teacher candidates).
Palo Alto Unified School District 1986 to 1999
Art Coordinator
Kindergarten through Grade Twelve
Palo Alto Unified School District
The art program in the Palo Alto Unified School District is recognized as exemplary throughout the United States as well as abroad. Palo Alto was selected by the Getty Center for Education as having one of four Model Art Programs in the nation. Under Dr. Hanson’s direction, the district was received the Award of Program Excellence from the National Art Education Association (1990) -- only one national award is given each year, and, the Palo Alto art program received the sole award ever given in California. .
University of California at Santa Cruz 2000 to 2006
Instructor, Art Fundamentals for Teachers
Art & Design (extension), summer sessions (five years); a summer program designed as professional development in arts education for K-8 teachers.
Summary of Previous Employment:
Ms. Hanson was a medical illustrator and lab technician at the University of Pennsylvania and a scientific illustrator and teaching assistant in the marine biology department of the University of Hawaii. In the years that followed, she acquired extensive experience in teaching elementary grades before assuming the position of Multi-Arts Specialist in the Glendale Unified School District. As administrator of the art and gifted/talented program in Chula Vista, Ms. Hanson initiated and refined a system for identifying artistically talented students. Her extensive grant writing brought in funds to expand the art programs in both the Chula Vista and Palo Alto schools.
B.A. Pomona College, Claremont, California (Writing & Social Science majors; Art/Music minors)
M.A. University of Redlands (emphasis: Education, Curriculum)
Ph.D. Columbia Pacific University (emphasis: Arts and Art Education)
General Elementary Credential grades K-8 CA Lifetime Credential
Administration Credential grades K–12 CA Lifetime Credential
Single Subject/Art Credential for grades K-12 CA Active
Has served as advisor/consultant to arts education organizations including:
Member of the Art Advisory Panel for the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
California State Department of Education
Cultural Initiatives/Silicon Valley Hanford Elementary School District (NEA grant)
California Association of County Superintendents
National Evaluation Systems/Pearson
Educational Testing Service
Getty Center for Education in the Arts Asian Art Museum of San Francisco
San Diego Museum of Art Kennedy Center, Washington DC
Wolftrap/Head Start Performing Arts Child Development Project
National Art Education Association
Elected Director of Supervision and Administration
(1988-1990), for the Pacific Region (eleven western states, Guam, American Samoa, British Columbia).
California Art Education Association Served on State Board of Officers for eight years, including CAEA Historian, chair of the state curriculum committee, and state treasurer..
California Alliance for Arts Education Completed training for Group Facilitation Methods (sponsored by CAAE), conducted by the Institute of Cultural Affairs.
Los Angeles County Art Education Council Member and Chair of the school outreach committee.
California Art Education Association
Honors given for exemplary leadership and achievement in art education:
- CAEA Higher Ed Art Educator of the Year 2010
- Jansen Distinguished Educator Award 1997
- CAEA Award of Merit 1996
- California Art Educator of the Year 1990
- California Outstanding Administrator of the Year 1989
- Douc Langur Award 1986
National Art Education Association
State of California -- Art Educator of the Year 1990
California Department of Education
Certificate of Recognition (service award) 1999
For information about publications (including
grant writing), see the section “Publications and Projects”